Eight #italian Words @BabbelUSA thinks should be in America's Lexicon

Beneath the 'rebuild,' I'll list the words Babbel describes at the report linked through the rebuild's main word (and maybe I'll link to those words' 'reconstructions' soon); but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Italian” might be built on ancient words that mean "Land of Cattle" or Bull Calf, related to the name of an ancient ruler #Italus. #Italy #Italianate #Italianism (the people were once known as the #Italies) #Italic #Italiot


The Italian words that Babbel recommends (some of which are in this video):
  1. Allora
  2. Rocambolesco
  3. Chiacchierone
  4. Sfizio
  5. Struggimento
  6. Dondolare
  7. Mozzafiato
  8. Dietrologia
