A Prime Example of 'the Need for #FanElseworlds' (#FanTheories when #FanFACTS are well known or readily available) | @LuciferNetflix? @STVLucifer? @LuciferWriters?

D'you remember when you could start conversations about shows you just saw that your friends are all watching, where no one knows what's gonna happen next? and the won't know until next week?

Yes, there's still SOME of that going on; but it's a lot rarer now, with most shows available seasons-at-a-time rather than once-a-week (or not at all until the next season starts broadcasting).

I'm missing that, because I'm watching LUCIFER on NETFLIX and--rather than sit & watch 4-or-5-or-10 episodes in a row (in order to get the fullest story I can)--I watch one episode a day.

Right now, I'm into the 2nd season ... and they've got FIVE seasons currently streaming. So I'm going to share some fan-theories I have; but they sound a little bit like 'childish misconceptions of the adult world' to people who've SEEN the rest of the available episodes.

So I think of these 'fan theories' as more like 'Fan #Elseworlds" (a word taken from the name of a series of comic-books that imagine what the world would be like if key changes were made in history to form #Else-Worlds).

I'll mention some LUCIFER-Elseworlds beneath the 'rebuild' below (with the main word linked to my discussion about these); but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Else” is built on ancient words that mean Beyond (Other, in a Foreign land, Alsace). #Elsewhere #Elsewise (and some compounds that didn't 'take': #Elsehow #Elsewards #Elsewhat #Elsewhen #Elsewhence #Elsewho) #OrElse


My Fan-Elseworld: Well, LUCIFER is kind of an elseworld; as ...

Lucifer & the other 'fallen angels' (well, not 'fallen' like the original ones--cast out of Heaven after joining Lucifer in his rebellion against Yahweh--but the angels Amenadiel & Uriel were sent to Earth to 'eliminate' Lucifer ... to send him back to Hell or to end his existence) are CALLED "Sons of God" (just like the angels in the Old Testament);

but they don't mention the human Sons of God---neither Father Adam, nor Lord Jesus Christ.

Which is where this theory starts: See, I just saw Episode 17 of Season 2---the episode where Lucifer & Amenadiel have found two of the pieces of The Flaming Sword they need (to cut open the gates of Heaven and take their mother and Lucifer's fellow demon back home), and Amenadiel's translating a book that'll tell them where to find the third (and final?) piece---the key that will forge the pieces together.

And the translation tells them that God gives that key to 'His Favorite Son.' Amenadiel starts to express his jealousy, assuming God was talking about "Lucifer" as his favorite (the guy WAS The Archangel, after all!). But it becomes apparent that God was talking about Amenadiel (when a necklace-trinket God gave him flies out toward the two sword-pieces like a magnet on a string).

I know many people were thinking "Jesus ... they're finally going to bring in Jesus!" when Amenadiel mentioned 'favorite Son.' But--when Amenadiel turned out to be the favorite Son (apparently)--I start thinking 'Maybe Amenadiel WAS Jesus ... and God gave Him some kind of mind-wipe when He ascended back to 'Heaven' (which they're also calling "The Silver City").'
