What's All This #Hoopla about #TrafficExchanges?

My 'sociopathy' is such that 'this blog' (and other online-forums---mostly on Quora) is the closest I get to "going out." So 'the more people I have reading these posts,' the more I get to "spend time with people."

Naturally, that leads me to 'join Traffic-Exchanges.' But I hear a lot  of noise about Traffic-Exchanges---mostly that you can use them to 'Make More Money!' (i.e. that you can make your content worth higher prices to advertisers because you have more eyeballs looking at it).

'The main word' below is brought up in the name of the traffic-exchange it links-to (which you can join & use its links to join its connected traffic-exchanges to change its referral-codes to your own).

I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the first words' bases ...

The word “Hoopla” (or #HoopLa (Hoop-La, Hoop La), earlier #HoupLa, an |Exclamation accompanying |Rapid Movement) might be built on ancient words that mean |UpsyDaisy or -that are a call to animals (like |Fetch or |GetAlong ... |Yah! ... see also Whoop).

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I'll get to those base-words soon, but right now I'm 'signing-up' for all the traffic-exchanges Traffic Hoopla (usually 'that process' (for each of the attached exchanges) includes signing-up, verifying my email, adding this blog to my 'my sites'-list on that exchange, and setting the auto-assign to "100%" ... I might go back through later and add 'banner-links' or 'square ad-links' etc. and change the auto-percentages, but I'm just getting started.

Besides, more 'news' might come-up---like the struggle to 'redeem' Britney Spears' sanity, to understand Roseanne Barr, to clear things up for Gina Carino ...
