Was #Swashbuckling Ever "Real," @JillBearup? #FightingTalk (or #HickTalk - #WellSwashMahBuckle!)

When watching The Princess Bride this morning, I was struck with 'how perfect this fight-scene was.'

Jill Bearup does start that linked video with some comments on 'how unrealistic such scenes usually are." But she also analyzes the artistry of so many other "fake fight-scenes!" I guess I'm wondering how much the fiction bleeds through into reality (the way space-rockets bled through from sci-fi into real-life).

Some writers and I explore that in a discussion that's linked through 'the main word' below. I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the first words' bases ...

The word “Swashbuckling” is built on ancient words that mean "a Fall of a Blow ( |Swash)" + Shield ( |Buckler ... together, that's 'to make a Noise by |Striking a Shield (one's own or one's opponent's)'). #Swashbuckler #Swashbuckle

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I 'surfed-across' some interesting content while looking for an answer:
