It's Hard to #HunkerDown--Setting #NoseToTheGrindstone--when you Don't Know What You're Pushing-For! | @YouTube | #Hunker

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to ... I dunno; probably the latest 'source of antique-words I've got to restore-like-new') into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The phrase “Hunker Down” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Crouch on your |Haunches, Crawl." 
"Hunker" is also the word for a member of an old American Political-Movement (opposed to The Barnburners), from an old New York dialect that meant Post, Station, Home (hence the word for 'one who Stays Safe on Base,' see |HunkyDory)---possibly influenced by a word that meant Curmudgeon; |Surly, |Crusty Old person; Miser).

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Back when I started 'this blog' (or 'one of several blogs like this'), I thought I'd work-up "an entry like this one" for all the words I find the etymologies-of.

Maybe it'll eventually get like that--all of the Root-Words being hyperlinked to their own 'entry like this one'--but most of the entries will feature 'lists of roots' that aren't linked to separate entries.

Why not? I was reminded why not when I read about L. Ron Hubbard's Word-Clearing Rule: when you're reading anything & you come to a word you do not recognize, you have to stop right there, look up the word in a dictionary and use the new word in a sentence.

But that's not how people learn new words; people learn new words by hearing them used in conversation (along with lots of other words they understand) and by deducing the new meanings from the old meanings.

So I hear a 'new' (well, usually more 'interesting' than 'previously unheard or unknown') word from one of 'the sources hyperlinked through the "Hunker"-words' and start to do an entry for each of those words. But a) it doesn't even pay as well as penny-ante revenue-sharing forums, and b) so much more-interesting stuff pulls me away from it.

Interesting stuff like 'newer entries on the list of videos (hyperlinked through "Hunker" above)' or 'new thoughts about Bible-words I find in the interlinear translation (hyperlinked through "Hunker Down" above)'
