#WhatYouAreReallySaying when you Say #Amen | #BibleHub @theBibleHub | #InJesusNameAmen #AmenAndAmen #TheGreatAmen #Amenable #Amenability #Amenableness #AmenInJesusName

'We all know' it's what you say when friends say things you believe (usually spiritual things), and so you make it true according to Matthew 18:19. 

But 'Amen' (below-hyperlinked to a letter from BVOV to their Partners) means "something deeper" to you because it's connected to other words you know better, built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Amen” is built on ancient words that mean "to be Trustworthy, Confirm, Support" (similar to Certainly, Absolutely).

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As with other words that 'come to me' through Bible-discussion, this word is one of a few possible translations. The word in 2 Corinthians 1:20 (Ἀμὴν (amēn)) means Truly & can also be translated |Verily or So Let It Be.
