#TERMINATOR ... a movie-series more-appropriately called "The #Fates We Make" (from the line #NoFateButWhatWeMakeForOurselves); #Terminate #Fate! | @Terminator @Skydance @Bing @Quizzes on #Quibblo @MTV @playbuzz @AllTheTests | #Termination #Fated #Terninate
You can order any- or all of the TERMINATOR-movies at the catalog (in kind of a random order) linked-to through "that word" below.
What I show here is 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word |Terminate| is built on ancient words that mean End, Limit (see |Terminus ... possibly related to EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! but "Exterminate" isn't listed in the 'related entries') ... ext. into #Terminal #Terminally #Terminable #Terminably
The word |Fate| is built on ancient words that mean "to Speak, Tell, Say (often bad news, of |Bad Luck, Ill |Fortune, |Mishap, Ruin, |Pestilence or Plague)" (a |Sentence of the Gods (especially the Goddesses |Moirai (Greek for |Lot, |Portion) named |Clotho, |Lachesis & |Atropos) who determine the length- & |Course of a Human Life) ... ext. to #Fateful
In order (linked to journal-entries/reviews that earn a little money when people read- and comment on- or react to-them):
If I were a character in the series, who would I be?
- Quibblo says I'd be Sarah Connor
You laugh easily and can take a joke. At parties, you're usually the center of attention, not necessarily because of your personality but because of your trendy sense of style. Big hair and shoulder pads will turn any head. When meeting someone new, you tend to hold back and be a little skeptical of their motives. You would never say that you love your job but, hey, it pays the bills. At home, if something breaks, you tend to ask someone else to fix it. But you're no push over. When the going gets tough, you can kick butt. That's because you're a survivor. You tend to think about the future, and right now are planning for a world obliterated by nuclear warfare. You tend to get caught up in the moment and forego practicalities, such as using birth control. But you can also be organized and are a quick learner. You're probably a Gemini. Your best qualities: Think on your feet, inner strength, and mobile. Mexico, here you come!(although that's out of only 'three
possible characters' in their test:
Sarah, Kyle Reese, or The Terminator) - They also say
- The TERMINATOR-model I'd be is the Hunter-Killer Aerial
You patrol the barren wastelands by air blasting any living thing in sight...You travel at very high speeds.
- and that--if you were asking me if I'm any of the first three movies-- ... I'm Just Not ...
- MTV tells me I'm the Evil T-800 - "Who needs diplomacy when you have a shotgun? You're not exactly known for your brains, but your determination knows no bounds. Also, your Sarah Connor obsession is a little weird.
The T-X is designed to not only terminate humans but rogue Terminators reprogrammed by the Resistance, an "anti-terminator terminator" as stated by John Connor. It is a composite of the T-800 and T-1000, a solid endoskeleton covered with polymimetic liquid metal alloy, allowing it to take the shape of any humanoid it touches. Because it is only coated in this material, it is possible to remove it from the endoskeleton using immensely strong magnetic force, such as from a cyclic particle accelerator. Powering all the T-X's systems is an onboard plasma reactor.Since only living tissue or mimetic polyalloy imitating human tissue can travel back in time, previous Terminators were limited to hand to hand combat and acquired weapons, or in the case of the T-1000, forming solid metal objects such as knives and stabbing weapons. The T-X, however, carries weapons internally, permitting it to take an arsenal back with it.- AllTheTests says
Certificate: Test results Who are you from "Terminator Salvation"? For 30% you are: You are Kyle Reese!
You are John Conner’s father, but anyone who hasn’t seen the first three movies would be confused by that. You are young and reckless, but you are also kindhearted and trusting.
15% of 704 quiz participants had this profile!
Take this quiz: Who are you from "Terminator Salvation"?
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