Wrestling-Entertainment: it's been around since The Gladiators (the ancient ones, a tradition carried (sorta) by the more modern ones).
NETFLIX's The Toys that Made Us reminded us how it was—lots of little wrestling-leagues across the country, then Vince McMahon Sr. formed the WWWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation) and passed it on to Vince McMahon Jr.; and he (maybe continuing something his father had started, I don't remember (not hearing anything about it until now)) broke the wrestling-industry's "no poaching"-rule—picking up wrestling-stars from other leagues (although I'm pretty sure those little leagues soon got swallowed-up by the WWF (Junior had reapportioned the 'initialism,' changing "World Wide" to "Worldwide")).
Something else I found out: WWF and WCW were originally TWO DIFFERENT COMPANIES (Worldwide Championship Wrestling owned by cable-billionaire Ted Turner). Vince McMahon eventually bought that one too, as well as the little Philadelphia wrestling-league that 'start to get too big for it's br`itches' Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW ... or was that Eastman Championship Wrestling? I guess I got that mixed up with 'Eastman Kodak' somehow ...)
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to my post on The Toys that Made Us) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “|Wrestling|” is built on words that mean “to Wrest + |Diminutive- or Repetitive- or |Intensive |Actions or -|Events (as in Nestle, Trample, Draggle, Struggle, Twinkle, Noddle or Jostle).”
#Wrestle #Wrestler #Wrestlers #Wrestled #Wrestles
I know there are many who don't thing the Wrestling Entertainment wrestling is "real" wrestling. And–in some ways–they're right. Oh, the wrestlers really do throw each other around & hurt each other and suffer lots of injury; but they do it all more 'to put on a show' than to-- to-- why do people wrestle without any entertainment-value added? I guess that was back when they had to get some practice at defending themselves befor the next horde of wild apes came crashing in ...
Anyway, some of the wrestling-stars who influenced audiences' character:
- Hulk Hogan - Terry Bollea ... called everyone "Brother"
- The Undertaker - scary looking guy, who wore all black and a big black fisherman's hat
- The Rock - Dwayne Johnson ... "Can you SMELLLLLLLLLLL-LEL-LEL-LEL-LEL-LEL-LEL-LELL ... what the Rock .. Is .. Cookin`!"
- Macho Man Randy Savage - ... "Snap into a Slim-Jim!" (I don't know if he ever said that 'in the ring,' but he's more famous for that than Bill Cosby was for JELLO!)
- Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Aurelian Jake Richards, who psyched out opponents by bringing a snake (most famously, a python) to the ring with him.
- 'Nature Boy" Ric Flair - ,,, "WOOOooo!"
- Andre the Giant - owed his large size to a condition known as acromegaly
- HHH (or maybe the "actual name" was Triple-H)
- Rey Mysterio - dressed like an El Chapo (Mexican wrestler, the way they wear those masks), and had a 'finishing move' that I almost never saw anyone else use—known as 'The 619'
- The Big Show
- Jesse Ventura - who became Governor of Minnesota
- those are the ones I can think of—of course you know where to find the rest!
- ... Scott Voss - high-school teacher who became a Mixed Martial Arts fighter to win the money needed to keep his school's music program. ... Funny that TTTMA didn't mention MMA—maybe they don't make toys of the MMA-stars ... or maybe they don't want Vince McMahon to buy UFC (MMA's Ultimate Fighting Championships) too ...

Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
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