If They #Ignore You, it Feels like They Think God's #Ignoring Them - Feeling #Ignored (Is That My #Ignorant #Ignorance or Are You the #Ignoramus?) @PsychToday @OfficialSGIUSA
I apologize–probably wrong (or wrongly?)–for the way 'noting that you're "ignoring me"' (the way I'm sure it seems people treat you when they don't directly respond or at least comment on your blogs or vlogs or Facebook-notes or Tweets) sounds so close to 'calling you "ignorant" (Ignore a-Me? (bad Italian accent) Ignoramy! 💢)'
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to Psychology Today's advice for 'when you're feeling ignored') is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Ignore” is built on words that mean “Not to Know, Be Un|acquainted, Take |No Notice of, Dis|regard” ( |Pass Over |Without Notice, |Pay |No |Attention to, be Unaware- or Ignorant-of).
hmm ... maybe you can see why your 'ignoring'
might make you seem 'ignorant' ...
The word "Ignorant" is built on words that mean "Not, |Opposite of + to Know" ( |Uncouth, Strange, Un|recognized, Unfamiliar, Ill-|Mannered (Knowing |Nothing of Good |Manners), Ignorant Person).
But my self-hateful rumination (talking to myself about 'how wrong/bad/uncaring/untrust-worthy/unwise/painful-to-spend-time-with I am,' ignoring 'how wonderful/interesting/fun-&-funny/talented/generous/intelligent/understanding I am') reveals ... why you feel that God is ignoring you if you don't get an answer to your prayers.
How does that work? I don't know; maybe it's something I dreamed (and therefore am quickly forgetting) ... let's see if I can dig it up.
A friend hurts me. Their relative is in the hospital, and ... I don't know; maybe the relative's dead–resting in peace–maybe they're struggling to survive, all kinds of 'fun' ... but what hurts me is—my friend thinks I don't care (because I try to deal with my problems, they don't think I can help them handle theirs).
You don't think he can help, so you don't tell him the problem or involve him in your struggle against it ... am I talking about her 'ignoring me' or your 'ignoring The Divine' (I call it God or Our Father God; you might call it Allah, The Divine Voice, The All-Father (tho that's getting into the 'Sci-Fi/Fantasy'-names) ...)?
Maybe I'm talking about God. But need to talk about 'my friend (and others) ignoring me' for a moment (to show how they're telling me they think God's ignoring them). See, I've got problems ... many of them are 'routine for me' by now, but they keep people away from me (since I have to obsess about them to keep them 'at bay'). And so–if I start talking to someone new–'my problems' find their way to the discussion.
And people have enough problems of their own—the same problems that most other people have, which they take care-of in the standard way. And 'helping take care of my problems' often makes it more difficult to take care of their own. So they ignore my constant 'complaint about problems I keep finding' and I give-up asking for their attention.
God tells me that's how God feels.
How is 'God' telling me that?

Well, I got into some Nichiren Buddhism—Buddhism that does not claim Buddha as "its god," but rather -as something like 'the First Buddhist' ... "Buddha" meaning something like 'the Awakened/Enlightened one,' making "Buddhists" merely 'people who follow the Awakening/Enlightenment as the Buddha did.'
You don't think he can help, so you don't tell him the problem or involve him in your struggle against it ... am I talking about her 'ignoring me' or your 'ignoring The Divine' (I call it God or Our Father God; you might call it Allah, The Divine Voice, The All-Father (tho that's getting into the 'Sci-Fi/Fantasy'-names) ...)?
Maybe I'm talking about God. But need to talk about 'my friend (and others) ignoring me' for a moment (to show how they're telling me they think God's ignoring them). See, I've got problems ... many of them are 'routine for me' by now, but they keep people away from me (since I have to obsess about them to keep them 'at bay'). And so–if I start talking to someone new–'my problems' find their way to the discussion.
And people have enough problems of their own—the same problems that most other people have, which they take care-of in the standard way. And 'helping take care of my problems' often makes it more difficult to take care of their own. So they ignore my constant 'complaint about problems I keep finding' and I give-up asking for their attention.
God tells me that's how God feels.
How is 'God' telling me that?

Well, I got into some Nichiren Buddhism—Buddhism that does not claim Buddha as "its god," but rather -as something like 'the First Buddhist' ... "Buddha" meaning something like 'the Awakened/Enlightened one,' making "Buddhists" merely 'people who follow the Awakening/Enlightenment as the Buddha did.'
(one of their tenets–The Ten Worlds
–tells that they believe all humans are
The Korean-Sanskrit to the right–six syllables that make up the main part of 'the prayer they recite at gatherings' (the way Catholics (and other Christians) recite The Lord's Prayer or Latin 'responsorials' or hymns).
Those six syllables state that The Divine Voice is always giving commands/advice, but that our actions & reactions also make noise that blends into the sound of The Divine Voice. So–to hear The Divine Voice–we have to discern it from 'the noise of the world' (a.k.a. Ren-Ge).
But–born & raised a Christian (my mom a Roman Catholic Christian, as my dad (a Baptist Protestant Christian) became for the marriage)–I naturally adapted that into my beliefs ... mostly because Christianity doesn't tell you how to "hear God" (they imagine that all of God's Word is 'in The Bible,' so they just tell you to read The Bible to find 'God's Word for Today').
Nichiren Buddhism puts it more succinctly (tho this might be a slight variation on 'what they say'). The idea is that 'The Divine Voice' (God's commands/advice) is everlasting, while 'the noise of the world' changes "as the wind blows" ... that is, 'the noise' has a clear cause-&-effect; while it's not clear what causes 'The Divine Voice' (but it is constant, regardless).
So What's God Saying Here?
My problems are constant ... it may seem like they are 'caused by my brain-injury' (and my brain-injury definitely affects them—bringing them forward, requiring that they be dealt-with in a way that's different but -not too different), but I think the brain-injury is just 'on top of the constant.'
hmm ... I think I'm narrowing 'my problems' down to two constants: One, my 'Energy Vampirism' (not any horror-movie situation ... just that I get depressed/agitated if I don't spend enough time in others' company)—with a possible root in 'words attributed to God-Godself' ("It Is Not Good for the Man to be Alone"); and Two, people's natural tendency to stay away from inconvenience.
Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
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