@UWD23OKC Customizes #Tinctures (#Marijuana/#CBD etc.) to Ease Patients' Suffering - #UrbanWellnessDispensary #Tincture

That word (the 'built-upon' one below)—there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Tincture” is built on “to Soak (Moisten)” (Solution of Medicine in a Mixture of Alcohol).

UWD (Urban Wellness Dispensary, PATIENTS FIRST)–whose Gazette-ads feature interesting facts about 'the herb'–recently offered (and might offer still) 50% off custom-tinctures for any stage-4 Cancer patients, -Sleep Vapes that come with a money-back guarantee(!), and custom-tinctures for Migraines, Acne & CBD Diet & -Weight-Loss.

UWD asks
    Did you know ...
  • The US Government took out a patent on CBD in 2003 for its anti-inflammatory and neuro-protectant properties.  
  • 50% of those who switch to medical cannabis stop taking prescription medications.

UWD says (I'm posting here since Facebook won't let me post in the Oklahoma Alt-Weekly Ads-files (at least not in the same space as 'any mention of "buying controlled substances"')) their locations are open MON - SAT 10A-8P -- SUN 10A-6P 33 W 15th St., Edmond, 405.606.5354; 1304 Lindsey Plaza Dr., Norman (Oklahoma), 405.310.6100 ... and has pages on Leafly & WeedMaps ... I also found them at LeafBuyer (tho they didn't have any bargains listed at that time).

... and is accredited by CBE, H, and other organizations printed too small for me to see. (State License: Medical RetailDAAA-EJN1-OIGO)

You know something about that word-history that
 I don't mention (and that probably isn't mentioned
 below)? 'Fill us in on it'- or just tell me what you
 think (or ask me about something in this- or another-
word that confuses you) with a comment below,

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