#Prognostications of Kenneth @CopelandNetwork for 2019 (Year of #AbundantHarvest) - #Prognosticate #Prognosis

Say what you will about the greed associated with 'Prosperity Gospel'-preachers like Kenneth 'at-least two private jets' Copeland, he honestly believes most of the stuff going through his brain! (which is why it's a good thing he doesn't watch a lot of today's news-media)

Along with his recent 'monthly letter to KCM-partners' (where he usually tells about the Scriptures that inspire his family's ministry-plans), he included a flier listing some things he thinks (God told him) are going to happen soon.

The word “Prognosticate” carries the scent of “|Before + to |Come to |Know.”

He writes:

What About 2019?

What about this 2019? How can the marvels and wondrous works take place? What brings these wonderful works and miracles? What causes these things to be manifest?


First of all, there must be a higher order of prayer coming forth out of the family. Intercession, petition and supplication for the lost, much prayer, much calling forth, much "calling things that be not as though they were"—praying for the lost. Reaching into the heart of God and asking Him for the nation. 2019 must be a year of great intercession and witnessing outside the walls of the church building.


I'll do signs and wonders. I'll do these marvelous works, saith The LORD, if you'll take Me to the sinner, if you will take Me to the streets. Give Me an opportunity to reveal Myself. You keep ringing the dinner-bell of healing and I'll draw the people to you. This building and other church-buildings won't hold the people, but you can't just sit here inside this place and beg for miracles. I'm going to require you, saith the LORD, to walk by faith.


I'm going to require you to get healed on your own faith. Most of the people in My ministry–saith The LORD–most of them got healed on their own faith: "Be it done unto you as you have believed. Daughter, thy faith has made thee whole.


I'm requiring more of those of you older children in the family. I'm requiring more of you because you're older. It's time for you to help with the babies. It's time for you to see to it that the babies get an opportunity to know Me, saith The LORD.


I will require it, but you will be rewarded beyond your wildest dreams because you will see miracles under your own hand. You'll see things happen that you've only dreamed about happening; because the time has come. And just the way the great Healing Revival hit this earth in 1948, `49, `50, so the miracles were happening in the streets, in the tents, and all over the United States—well, those days are here again!

It's time for it' it's time. If you get out there where the people are, you will be shocked at how easy the miracles will come and how easy they will flow. And people that have no idea about Me or anything about My WORD will come running to those of you who will spend time in intercessory prayer.

I'm not talking about hours-&-hours; I'm talking about minutes-a-day—I'm talking about ... just give Me time. Just give Me part of your morning ... part of your evening ... pray in the Spirit and intercede for the lost. And I'll see to it–saith The LORD–that 2019 is the most prosperous year of your life.


I'll see to it that your body begins to renew and your youth begins to renew and all-of-a-sudden pains-&-aches that have been there for years will disappear. Glory to God! When you get out and begin to minister to those that have never heard about Me–saith Jesus–You call on Me and I'll call on you, and together we'll see it come to pass. Together, we'll see it happen. Together. Together.


You will begin to see the desired change begin to slowly take place in the United States, in the political arena. You'll begin to see change when you begin to pray and intercede for those that are on the opposite side of your political ideas. If you will, begin to take some quality time and intercede for people.

Take someone, take the image of that someone–maybe Senator Chuck Schumer, maybe Nancy Pelosi–take that person—take that person and begin to intercede for them. I saw something in Nancy Pelosi at the 'laying to rest' of President Bush (Sr.) I was watching her; she stopped by that casket. Her husband began to walk away. She began to follow, but then she came back and I saw it.

She made the sign of the cross. Now, I know how to pray; now, I know how to pray. Something drew her back. You know who she is? She's somebody that needs Jesus. You know who Chuck Schumer is? Somebody that needs Jesus. You know who Donald Trump is? Somebody that needs Jesus. Amen

 And it's when we begin to intercede and call somebody's name: "satan, you desist in your maneuvers against this person's life. I pray The LORD of the harvest send laborers across her path, across his path, across their paths, with The WORD of their salvation, with The WORD of their healing." And just begin to praise about it and praise about it and praise about it and have a deaf ear to any kind of criticism. Call them before Me–saith The LORD–and you will be shocked at what you see come to pass.


These are the days of reconstruction. These are the days in the continuing rebirth of the United States. These are the days that this nation has been crying out for—when once again it will become "one nation under God." And you're not as far-away as you think you are. So rejoice and be glad, for in that day you will have much cause for rejoicing, 

because soon–very soon–the greatness and the good things that I have planned in THE BLESSING of The LORD shall begin to be manifest more & more & more & more—saith the Spirit of Grace. I am for you—saith The LORD. 

I am not against you. I've given Myself-to you & -for you.
