#Renting-Laws in England ... Do They Have international influence, @BBCworld?

Maybe the article (linked through the word 'Renting' below) tells us about 'the international influence' that the promised British law protecting tenants (& the landlords who are 'breaking it' while they still can) have, but you'd have to examine the article more closely than I did.

The word “Renting” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Render" (if not the adjective for the object that has been "|Rend-ed" (limb-from-limb, etc.))
#Rent #RentFree #RentA- (in imitation of the trademarked #RentACar) #Rents #Rented #QuitRent #RackRent #Rental #Renter #Renters #Rentals #Rentier

I don't think British landlords' 'increased propensity to issue no-fault eviction-notices' will spread throughout the world; but it's probably best to 'nip it in the bud.'

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