#HotTake against @JoeBiden, in Defense of the @GOP-attempt to Counter 'Elderly Price-Protection' (the Proof that @TheDemocrats Don't Believe in democracy (small-d))

I might discuss 'people's political #slants' in a paying discussion on the forum you can access free through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Slants” (also a collective noun for (groups of) Journalists) is probably built on ancient words that mean "to |Slip |Sideways, Fall on One Side."
#Slant #Slanting #SlantedLeft #SlantedRight #SlantingRight #SlantingLeft #SlantedCenter? #SlantingCenter? #Slantways #Aslant


I hear (from Rachel Maddow ... so 'safely #slanted the right-- correct way 🕵️‍♂️') that Joe Biden recently signed- and/or the Legislation recently voted for-a bill that restricts drug-prices to a low cost for senior-citizen.

(Makes sense--as those specific customers are limited in income--but ...)

This law--the way I've heard it ... I don't know if its specifics are different, and 'the price-limitation' is just "an effect of the bill's terms"--shows me that Democrats don't believe in democracy!

Because 'true democracy' (people using their power of choice to make life the way they want it to be) is what's-also-known-as The Free Market.

If The Democrats believed in democracy, they would trust The People to make it clear to The Pharmaceutical Companies that 'pricing the elderly out of their needed medicines' is a foolish action.' 

But The Democrats DON'T believe that The People are wiser than Greed; The Democrats love Greed more than Wisdom, and thus they assume that their constituents do the same.

Republicans believe that The People are wiser than Greed---I suppose, deducing from their support of The Free Market.
