MSM #Cronies Rachel @Maddow, @Lawrence O'Donnell, @BillMaher, @AndersonCooper ... All DUPED by democratists ...

I explain how in a discussion on the paying forum you can join FREE through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Cronies” is built on ancient words that mean "Time (Long-Lasting, Old Familiar Friend, Intimate |Companion)" (see Chrono-).
#Crony #Cronyism


Maybe it's too early to reveal the answer to the question I hope you're wondering, "How did democratists dupe the MainStream Media cronies?" but I'll tell you.

They're 'duped' into believing- (or letting their fans believe) that we live in a democracy ... we do, but that has very little to do with the matters they report-on! Those matters generally take place within The Constitutional Republic that writes-, approves of- & interprets our laws.

The reason they CALL that system 'a democracy' (and it is a small d when talking about "the system of government," 'Large D'-Democracy is usually referring to the Democratic National Party) is because the political offices are usually held by the people whom we voted into office.

But once they are in office--barring conditions that force us citizens to vote someone new into the office--they don't even have to pay any attention to their constituents until their offices come up for election again!

(They Senators & Congressmen & President are all ruled by The Law (The Constitution, The U.S.C.), NOT The People!)
a band NAMED The Cronies

... I hadn't known that 'Cronies' meant "old friends"; I thought it meant something more like 'devoted fans and paid yes-men.' But they are more-and-more familiar to us---that's why they get paid so much! If I--somebody whom you've probably never even heard-of--were to all-of-a-sudden replace any of those 'cronies' (even if I only read the news exactly as they did, using only scripts that they-themselves wrote for me), you would probably quit watching the show without even giving me a chance!
