Maybe The #Undertaker Has My Father ... or maybe @Undertaker WAS my Father! | @iSOTLW @WrestleWithAndy @AdamConover @KaneWWE

("The character," probably not 'the man (or men) who plays him')

I discuss 'the early-morning viewing that inspired those early-morning thoughts' in a paying forum you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Undertaker” is built of Under + Take (and possibly on ancient words that mean "to Take Between, -|Among," the same sense of Under as in Understand ... the 'specialized sense' (on which the wrestler played) emerged from #FuneralUndertaker; 'Undertaker' actually meaning "Contractor or Project-Manager of any sort").
#Undertake #Undertakers #TheUndertaker #Undertaking #Undertakings

`Taker's NETFLIX INTERACTIVE drama features an #urn (previously held-onto by Paul Bearer) that is said to be the source of `Taker's power in the Wrestling Entertainment hierarchy.
The word “Urn” is built of ancient words that mean "Pitcher, Jug, Earthen Vessel" or maybe ancient words that mean "to Burn (compare Bust)."
#Urceolate #Uns

Right before I watched the NI show, I caught an "In Search of the Lord's Way"-sermon---which (unintentionally) 'reminded me' that God Has NO Power Over Us until After We Commit Our Bodies' Remains to the Urn ... which is why we seek so desperately to #Delay that residence.
The word “Delay” is built of ancient words that mean "to Leave-, Let Away, -From."
#Delays #Delayed #Delaying


looking for his Twitter-name, I stumbled upon this awesome image

And--while watching `Taker's operations with higher power (drawn from past sins against his parents and -his brother Kane)--I couldn't help but think 'Has Adam Conover "ruined" Wrestling Entertainment (and possibly -The Undertaker's Mythos) yet?'
