@CryptoTabNET tool Reminds Me that--tho 'every miner is central to the decentralized system'--each one remains a #Dispensable Supporter to the Headlining Protagonist!

CryptoTab explains 'how you too can be a crucial-but-dispensable part of our network' with a registration-form you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words.

The word “Dispensable” came to mean "that can be done |Without," but its original senses (|Capable of Being |Administered, Distributable, |Pardonable, Permissible) are built on ancient words that mean "to Hang-, Weigh-, Pay-, Draw-, Stretch-, |Spin Out."
#Dispensability #Dispense #Dispenses #Dispensed #Dispensing #DispenseWithThePleasantries


One of the things I like about CryptoTab is their redirect-maker CB.click---a program that takes 'the URLs you give them' and turns them into 'links with splash-pages displayed before the target-page (like a commercial before an episode of a TV-show, or an opening-act before 'the main feature').

After using the main program for a while, I noticed that CB.click also had a browser-extension (that lets me a) make a 'CB.click' out of 'whatever webpage is open, or b) make a 'CB.click' out of any link displayed (through the drop-down menu that is displayed with a right-click of that link).

And then--posting links for my blog on Buffer for scheduled sharing--I put my 'CB.click' address there, and it instantly changes to a 'buff.ly' ... and a little HACKERS-fan in the back of my mind goes, 'We're doing it!... We're really doing it!... "You're right, I can't; We Can!"💟'
