So I'm Building a #Yacht (in #ForgottenBay of #KlondikeTheLostExpedition @plarium ... not @TheForgottenBay #GamingTeam in Tampa, FL))

But--if they're building virtual yachts in that island-paradise somehow-accessed through a tunneled river in The True North--I hope this helps them!

You can play along (though there's a lot of work to do before you find the Bay and do even more work before you can build the yacht) with the invitation you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Yacht” is built on ancient words that mean "to Hunt" (as the Fast-Sailing Ship was built for the Chase (when the Pirates had to get away🏴‍☠️) ... and yes, the card-game #Yahtzee was invented to be played by #Yachting #Yachtsmen on #Yachts).


The supplies I need to make/buy/beg-for to build my yacht (probably also the things you need for yours, but your requirements may vary):

    1 Yacht is [put together in the Shipyard from] 
  • 1 Wrecked Yacht (found in the bay's harbor) + 
  • 1 Simple Hull ([built in the Shipyard with] 1 Simple Frame ([Shipyard] 1 Keel ([ShipWRIGHT] 10 Stained Beams ([Cooper] 10 Beams ([Furniture Factory] 30 Fir-Tree Logs (Cut Down Spruces) + 10 Glue ([Barn] 150 Flax (Grown) + 30 Water (Found))) + 10 Wood Stain ([Laboratory] 10 Ethanol ([Laboratory] 10 Sugar  ([Bakery] 700 Sugar Cane (Grown) + 50 Fire (multiplied in the Barn (in various ways) after kindled in [Smithy] from Matches & Dry Twigs)) + 10 Red Extract ([Expedition: Ukhty] 60 Dyed Flax ([Exp Ukhty] 900 Flax (Grown) + 600 Beets (Grown)) + 30 Sauerkraut ([Exp Ukhty] 300 Wild Strawberry (Grown) + 160 Cabbage (Grown)))) + 400 Sweet Pepper (Grown))) + 1 Hand Saw (gotten by Completing Orders in the Port)) + 1 Ship Rib ([Shipwright] 8 Shelving ([Exp Aery] 48 Beam (see above) + 80 Nails ([Smithy/] 80 Wire ([Smithy/] 80 Iron ([Smithy/] 80 Iron Ore (Found) + 240 Fire (")) + 400 Fire (")) + 400 Fire ("))) + 5 File (COP))) + 10 Hull Plankings ([Shipwrights] 100 Fir-Tree Boards ([Cooper] 1000 Fir-Tree Logs (CD Spruces) + 100 Saw ([Smithy/] 300 Iron (") + 100 Nails ("))) + 200 Nails ("))) + 
  • 1 Sail Rig ([Shipyard] 1 Simple Masts ([Shipyard] 2 Spar ([Shipwrights] 8 Yard ([Shipwrights] 240 Sequoia Logs (CD Sequoia trees) + 40 Brace (COP)) + 2 Mast ([Shipwrights] 80 Sequoia Logs (") + 10 Hand Plane (COP))) + 1 Rigging ([Sails Mnfct] 15 Jute Rope ([Sails] 30 Jute Fiber ([Sails] 750 Jute (Grown) + 600 Wool (from Grass-fed Sheep)) + 45 Cable ([Spinnery] 225 Flax (Grown) + 45 Wool ("))) + 15 Steel Cable ([Steelworks] 375 Steel Ingot ([Steelworks] 18,750 Iron (") + 9,375 Coal (Found)) + 750 Coal (Found)))) + 1 Sail ([Sails] 5 Sailcloth ([Sails] 20 Burlap ([Sails] 80 Jute Fiber (") + 40 Linen ([Sails] 480 Flax (Grown) + 40 Fabric ([Spinnery] 40 Cotton Threads ([Spinnery] 320 Cotton (Grown) + 40 Water (Friends)) + 40 Cable (")))) + 20 Cotton Fabric ([Sails] 240 Cotton (Grown) + 20 Fabric ("))) + 10 Jute Twine ([Sails] 200 Jute (Grown) + 150 Camel Hair (from Grass-fed Camels)))
