I'll recount 'my #voyages ' below the subscribe bar (and will probably summarize it in a paying discussion you can access through 'the emboldened link(s)' below); but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Voyage” is built on ancient words that mean "Road, Journey, Travel" (|Via).
#Voyager #Voyaged #Voyaging
Most writers get paid ... eventually ... somehow ... some way involving 'jotting down ideas & sharing them with publishers' (is that what "querying" is? I dunno)--probably after earning "writing-certifications (degrees)" and getting a job writing for the most-respectable publication in the area.
I didn't go 'that way' because ... several reasons (I probably discuss at the forum linked above); but I think the main reason I didn't go 'that way' was because I was enticed into the affiliate-marketing industry.
But I'm not "financially secure" enough to succeed at that, and ... well ... I'm really more interested in 'helping the world understand these words' or something.
See, I was always fascinated with the idea that 'all these words are based on older words' (even before I was a fan of YouTube's Marina "HotForWords" Orlova 😉🥴). When I first learned about 'hyperlinking,' I felt I wanted to "connect ALL THE WORDS to their predecessor-words (linking THOSE words to all THEIR predecessors, linking THOSE words to THEIR ... etc. etc.)
Whenever I was able to 'resist' "hyperlinking to all the affiliate-programs that promised I could potentially earn 'bazillions' in a few minutes a day!" I aimed to research & link the posts connecting all the words to one main word (a big one like Jesus or Mother or something).
Sometimes the next word in the sequence would match-up with a big word I hear in the news, and so I'd relate the two (the next word & that news) in that post. I guess I felt that "words' relation to the news" made my blog more attractive to readers, and so I quit 'following the sequence of word-roots' and started just doing a post on 'whatever word came up in the news'
(or--if I've already 'done' the word that comes up--posting on the next not-yet-covered word, and linking that to the news-story that brings it up.)
So this blog (or a previous version of it) was always kind of 'a side-project.' My main attempts at writing (not ever able to go into the old style of brick-and-mortar book- or news-writing) were 'the FREE membership in writing-sites' (first was "AssociatedContent" (connected to Yahoo! I think), then an earlier version of Xomba, then (and now, as seen by 'the bold link above') MyLot).
But one of the main reasons I always came back here (yes, Blogger on Google's Blogspot ... I think I've also done blogs on WordPress, but Blogger has always seemed more-accessible for me (and forgive me if I get the names Blogger & Blogspot (or whatever) wrong))
... was the hyperlink-factor.
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and I forgot to mention that--a lot of the time--'words that come up' come from Bible-studies ... |
But now I think I'm bringing my focus to my original purpose ... or maybe to interaction on Twitter (with The #WritersCommunity), which is where I share every post I write (and that's the main reason why I put 'hashtag words' and '@-tag names' in the Title-lines).
'Following me on Twitter' is essentially equal to 'Subscribing to my Journal' (especially if you 'click the Notify-bell' (which I think sends my tweets to your DMs)).
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