A Hat that @MelaniaTrump is #Auctioning---if @LadyGaga doesn't Win the #Auction Herself, the Auction Winner should GIVE it to her! | @MSNNews @AFP
MSN News' share of AFP's report on the then-upcoming auction is linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word “Auction (\ #AuctionOff #AuctioningOff #Auctions #AuctionsOff #Auctioned #AuctionedOff #Auctioneer #Auctioneers #Auctioneering)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Increase."
Former US first lady Melania Trump announced that she will auction off the famed white hat she wore in April 2018, during French President Emmanuel Macron's state visit |
In a quiz from Bing Rewards, they asked, "Who is auctioning-off a white, wide-brimmed hat (with bids starting at $250,000)?" and one of the choices was Lady Gaga. If I had a spare $250,000, that hat would only be worth the money if it had once been Stephani's! so my guess was 'Lady Gaga'; but no, the hat is deemed "worth the money" because it had been a gift to the then-"First Lady" from then-Président Emmanuel Macron.
(The hat might be highly-valuable for other reasons, like 'that it's made of the same
white crepe as the Michael Kors suit she wore it with' and 'that it comes with a watercolor
Marc-Antoine Coulon drawing of her in the hat & -with a digital NFT of an animation of the drawing,'
besides the Trumpian habit of overvaluation-of-anything-you-sell ...)
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