What Sensation #Poses as God? (what Image you See, Sound you Hear, Feeling you Touch ... Scent you Smell? Flavor you Taste? Juxtaposition you Find Yourself in?) | #Pose

I was going to title this post something-like "Who Is God in Reality?" or "What Reality is God?" but I'm pretty sure you're mind would immediately answer that (either 'this guy doesn't believe in God; IGNORE HIM!' or some Scripture-passage that gave you 'the answer') and you wouldn't stick around for the full question.

This idea might lead to a discussion I'll hyperlink through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Pose (meaning of a word supporting words supporting words that mean "Yahweh" (the 'Name of God' I'm going-with at the moment) \ #Posing #Posed #Poser #Poseur #Appose #Oppose #Malapropos #Posable #Repose #Superpose)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Put, Place, Set" (related to |Pause).


Summarizing my thoughts on 'what God actually is':

I'm sure you (much like myself) have been told the story that God is 'an ancient man who spoke the Universe into existence, and who guarantees "a mansion in his house in paradise" if-and-only-if you affirm that his Son paid the blood-debt we owed for Eve's seductions (both her "being seduced by Satan" and her "seducing Adam into co-committing").'

But I don't see how God was ever anything but 'a spirit'---"The Existence" (one translation of 'Yahweh') or 'every living thing's urge to keep living.'
