@Hicks4OK tells us that @GovStitt-etc. have just #Redistricted ('Gerrymandered'? we'll see) Oklahoma, putting Many into Different #Districts | #District
Oklahoma.gov explains the 2021 #Redistricting (taking effect in the 2022 election) in a report linked through 'that word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)
The word "District" (which I know is 'an area that can encompass several cities/towns/villages, but America's capital-city (which is applying for Statehood now & has been applying over the last several decades) has long been named "the District of Colombia!") is built on "Apart (Dis-) + Draw |Tight, |Press Together (Strain)."
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before Redistricting |
AFTER Redistricting |
'Journalizing' the announcement Sen. Hicks (and yes, that's her surname) sent out:
You have been redistricted into a new State Senate district!See inside for more details!Starting in 2022 you will be in Senate District 40, currently represented by Senator Carri Hicks.Meet Senator Carri Hicks
Carri is a mother, teacher, and non-profit leader. After working as an educator in our public schools for seven years and witnessing the state legislature cut public education funding year-after-year, she decided to run for State Senate and bring her voice to the State Capitol to fight for all studentsAs a State Senator, Carri continues to be a strong voice for parents and students. As the mother of a child with type 1 diabetes, she authored legislation for emergency access to lifesaving medications and is fighting to bring price relief on prescriptions for all Oklahomans. Carri believes in supporting hardworking families, and she passed legislation to ensure teachers have "protected pump breaks" to support their children. Carri continues to work tirelessly for everyday Oklahomans.Follow Senator Hicksinfo@carrihicks.comwww.carrihicks.comFACEBOOK/hicksforsenate TWITTER@hicks4ok INSTAGRAM/hicks4okSenator Carri HicksDear Voter,For the past 3 years I have represented Senate District 40 in the State Senate. Starting with the general election in November of 2022, you will be voting in Senate District 40 and I will be running for re-election. I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and give you my contact information. If you have any questions or if there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to reach out.--Carri Hickscarri.hicks@oksenate.gov(405) 521-5543
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