Clever Title This Blog Used to Have - "Knots in the Log-Rope: Noted, Counted, Untangled, Restrung"

I've reviewed how Blog came to be used to describe these online-journals (although I don't know if I'm specific---that it's obviously a conjunction of "Web-Log," probably inspired by STAR TREK's "Captain's Logs"), and how Knots came to refer to Speed (basically because they would count the number of 'Knots' that played out in a #Rope (probably tied to a Log thrown into the water)).

With that inspiration in mind, I started to title this blog 'Knots in the Log-Rope: Noted, Counted, Untangled, Restrung," but I've changed it because--though I'd like for this to be "a classic (up there with The Dead Sea Scrolls or The Cave-Drawings or The Christian Epistles or The Gosho (collected writings of Buddhist Leader Nichiren Daishonen)"--it might be more important to know that 'this is part of a conversation to-which you are invited!"

But before I forget "what that title was," I want to understand 'that word' below better. And I find you understand words better if you look at 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum)

The word “Rope (\ #Ropes #Roped #Roping #Ropy #RopedIn #RopedOff #RopeADope #OnTheRopes #Roper #RopeOfSand)” is built on ancient words that also serve as foundation for words that mean |Shoe-|Thong, |Shoelace, Ring, |Hoop.

