#HappyBirthday to Y'all (in the #March27 #BirthdayCohort with #QuentinTarantino @QuenTarantino, @MariahCarey AND MORE! @Bing) on #NationalScribbleDay ... | @BingRewards @411Holidays @NatlToday #AstrologyCafe

I had a post that I rewrote everyday to replace 'yesterday's cohort' with 'today's cohort.' Then--one day--I asked myself, 'Why don't I just do an entry for every day (with that day's cohort & holidays & maybe its event-anniversaries)?'

That way I can go back & input new birthdays & events etc. Starting with today being National #Scribble Day (created when the author of I'm NOT Just a Scribble suggested there ought to be a national celebration of The Scribble). 

That holiday's explanation is linked through 'the main word' below; but I feel it's more important to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Scribble (& #Scribbled #Scrbbling (don't quote me on that spelling, and correct me if I'm wrong) #Scribbles)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Write" (especially 'like a |Hurried & Careless #Scribbler').

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Today's Cohort

Aries (basically ... I do a little more 'research' to find out 'how the various moon-phases & risings & descendings etc. make it different'): Quentin Tarantino with Mariah Carey, Pauley "NCIS" Perrette, Nathan Fillion (who ISN'T Jeremy Renner 😉), Fergie, Louis XVII of France, Anne Ramsey (Mama in THROW MAMA FROM THE TRAIN)

(and--if you or someone you know about has a birthday today
--please mention them (and how you know them or -know
 about them) in the comments, thanks)

And Heart of the Nation CATHOLIC MASS tells me that today, the Catholic ministers are wearing Violet (or Rose, for the Fourth Sunday of Lent).
