They Named an Online-Retailer after 'That Rainforest,' Might-as-well Name an Email-List after 'That Super-Continent' | @MaryanneMyers? @WebStars2k? @Rohan0031

Sure, you might think 'the gigantic online retail-company' is a little more "deserving" of the 'super-continent name'--maybe they should let the email-list take the relatively-dinky 'rainforest name'--but the list's site is 'put-together from many other sites' (like the super-continent is put-together from the many continents there are today), so it sorta makes sense.

(And 'the super-continent's name'
is spelled with an æ (ae) rather
 than the "e" in #Pangea ... I dunno;
 maybe it's "copyright-concerns" ...)

You can join that email-list (to mail your link to its 119,000+ members) at the site linked through 'the main word' below. I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the first words' bases ...

The word “Pangea” is named after #Pangaea, a name built on ancient words that mean All (Pan-) + Earth (the goddess |Gaia).

Enter your email address:

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Hello There!

Pangea is a crazy, crazy large membership site (119,000+ members) that easily saves your ads in a BUNDLE, and then you just explode them out WITH 1 CLICK!

One click and your banner will populate on the site instantly.... Your email ad will go out instantly to members.... The subject line of YOUR email will populate the site...

AND... Just by converting your clicks into credit packages sold member to member.
(It costs nothing... doesn't even take your credits from you).

And the advertising part... Just one Email ad get hundreds of clicks.

Thank YOU for reading,
Jason Hubbard
