#AsgardRevelation (or #FanFiction): The #MCU's #Thor is a Stolen Identity; the Asgardians' identities, the fruit of a #MassConspiracy
What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that name" (below hyperlinked to the documentary/'fiction' that revealed how 'the other "fiction" wasn't even true in the fictional universe!') into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...
This morning, I saw the above-linked HULK-movie; and it revealed the truth to me---the truth that ...

... the true Thor was actually sleeping in a tomb in the Northern Ice-Mountains, and--just like 'pre-"warp" civilizations thought that Federation-spacecraft were "chariots of the gods" (or whatever their unenlightened understanding could conceive)'--our small understanding projected our mythological hierarchy onto the aliens' group (which we call "The Asgardians").
Why do they seem to go along with it? That's how mass-conspiracy works---sorta like L. Ron Hubbard proposed (echoing Jesus Christ's "If two or more of you agree on anything, it will be held true by Our Father in Heaven")--"'people's agreement' is what makes knowledge true." (I could be paraphrasing there ... or I could be speaking the words of L. Ron Hubbard himself, delivered to me by his Enlightening Thetan ...)
'All the aliens claim that "their Thor is the Thor" or that "their Odin is the Odin" or "their Loki" or "their Heimdall" or "Freyja" or "Hela" or etc.-etc.,' and so we just go along with it!
(Did it ever seem odd to you that these "Asgardian" seem
to be speaking English?)
And something else that seemed kind of odd: Maybe 'the doctor who could summon Thor' explained "who Thor's creator/father was" near the beginning, but the entire 'motto' ('magic word' he said while using "the hammer" to summon Thor) was "Odin!" (the name of Norse Mythology's greatest god).
(And 'the hammer' was probably not Mjolnir, since 1)
'the doctor' could lift it and carry it around, 2) I don't
think they ever called it Mjolnir & 3) it was a dinky
little 'lily-hammer' compared to the "forged in a dying
star"-sledgehammer seen in the MARVEL Cinematic
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