Good Sermon from @OkcWestminster's (i.e. #WestminsterPresbyterianChurch) Broadcast Today: Seeing Eternity's Distance the way we see the Distance of #Thunder & #Lightning | #Thundrous #LightningQuick

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Rev. Dr. Paul J. Kirbas gave a sermon in which he reminded us of 'the trick of counting between the flash of lightning & the rumble of thunder' (where you see the lightning & count the seconds before you hear the thunder & divide that number by 5 to know how many miles-away the lightning is, and/or count the number of seconds between the next lightning-and-thunder & know the storm is-going away (if the second number's larger) or -getting closer (if the second number's smaller)).

The Rev. Dr. draws the comparison between that and 'the current views toward Christianity's beliefs'—Christians 'have seen the lightning-flash' (The Light is given to all who can see it*), and Christians can then start counting the seconds between the lightning-&-thunder to know whether to ease- or to increase-caution ... Christians aren't 'curious about whether something will happen,' Christians 'know it has happened" and "know that it happens again-and-again."

'Those words' (below-hyperlinked to Westminster Presbyterian Church's website) are built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Lightning” is built on words that mean “make Bright” or "|Light" (|Dawn, Daybreak, |Brilliance, the |Radiance of Christ). 
The word “Thunder” is built on words that mean “Thor's |Din.”

We're not "waiting for the day when Christ will become King," Christ Is King.

*or to those whom others can tell-about the light ... so the blind aren't "unsaved."

Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
 me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
