@issuu shares @OkGazette's Comprehensive #Brewery & #Taproom Guide

What I show here is 'the group of words' that couch "that word" (below hyperlinked to issuu's 'share' of Oklahoma Gazette's guide) into your vocabulary ... deeper meanings that 'firm the foundations' upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Brewery ( #Brewhouse #Breweries)” is built of #Brew + -|ery. 
The word “Brew ( #Brewed #Brewing #Brews #Brewer #Brewster #HomeBrew)” is built on ancient words that mean "to |Boil, Bubble, |Effervesce, Burn" (the method of preparing such a Beverage). 
The word “Taproom ( #Taprooms)” is built of #Tap + Room
The word “Tap ( #Tapped #Tapping #Taps)” is built on ancient words that are imitative of |Rapping (the sense of |Designating for a Task or Membership is from the notion of Tapping someone on the Shoulder) or -on ancient words that mean |Spigot (originally a |Tapering |Cylindrical |Peg for a Cask, before it was |Hollowed-Out to Draw a Drink from). 
Interesting ... 'Tapped-Out" (meaning Broke) comes from the notion of 'having already "Tapped" all of one's friends for loans.'

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