@BillMaher calls CHRISTIANITY #Religulous; he doesn't call it #Ridiculous because it's NOWHERE NEAR @Scientology! seen by @Ranker | #Ridicule #Ridiculing

Well, 'Ranker lists the Ridiculous beliefs' at the article linked-to through "that word" below.

What I show here is 'the group of words' that give "that word" a place to connect to your vocabulary ... deeper sources that firm the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Ridiculous (or #Ridiculed #Ridicules)” is built on ancient words that mean "to Laugh" (see Risible).

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Sure Bill, there's some wacky stuff in Christianity's mythos; but ...
  • Intergalactic War-Lord Xenu?
  • Soul Forges?
  • The Galactic Confederacy?
  • The R6 Engram (a puzzle in your brain that explodes if you try to solve it)?
  • Post-Death Implant Stations (where your spirit--captured after you die--is deposited, engraved with more engrams & exported back to Teegeeack- Earth)?
  • that Heaven is based on Pasadena?
  • that the ancient city of Atlantis used its electronic force-ray to protect the Earth from the battle between the Fourth Invader Force from Space Command & the Fifth Invader Force from Martian Command?
  • The Marcabians, the advanced alien race that claims to have created humanity & therefore thinks they have the right to our bodies/property/etc.?
    Photo: US Daily News / Wikimedia Commons
  • L. Ron Hubbard--secret identity of the Galactic Patrol Commander of Sector 9--who saved us from the Marcabians by telling us about their plot to brainwash humanity?
  • E-Meters, that Auditors use to detect 'invading Thetans' (as opposed to--i dunno--invited Thetans)?
  • Human Immortality? (obviously Leah Remini didn't get this far enough on The Bridge to learn about this;

    (because she & Mike Rinder spent at least one episode of S.A.T.A. mourning the poor souls that were lost to suicide, whereas--Hubbard says--"The subject of death (the lowest tone-or-two on The Emotional Tone Scale) is never a very serious one to a Scientologist beyond the fact that he feels kind of sorry for himself sometimes.

    ("... [The deceased person] was thoughtless enough to dispose of his body and go out of communication. A person sometimes feels pretty unhappy about it and thinks it's a thoughtless thing for a friend to do.")
  • Levitating Scientologists?
  • Womb Memory?
  • Exteriorization? (Scientologist-lingo for what 'the rest of us' call Disassociation or "Out-of-Body Experiences)
