#BibleStudy (#RawMaterialScripture) #TheBookOfJames (with the famous 'Don't Stop at "Hearing" The Word'-verse of #James) | @onomast @theBibleHub @CopelandNetwork @BibleGateway

'That name' (of a brother of Jesus, a king who oversaw an early English-translation of The Bible ... a few of my relatives, a few of my friends, a few famous performers ... below-hyperlinked to my list of Bible-books) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The name “James (practically identical to #Jacob)” #Jim #Jimmy #Jamie #Jameson #Jay #Jem #Jemmy #Jimi, #Jimmie #Jae #Jaye #Jacklyn #Jaclyn #Jacqueline #Jacquelyn #Jakes #Iakob #Iacobus #Yakov #Jago #Coos #Kobe #Iago #Séamus #Sheamus #Jaime -- is from the Hebrew  יַעֲקֹב (Ya'aquov)–built on ancient words that mean "the Holder of the |Heel" (as he was born 'holding twin-brother |Esau's heel') or "the |Supplanter" (as he twice stole his slightly-older brother's inheritance)– 
and is said to be derived from the hypothetical יַעֲקֹבְאֵל (Ya'aqov'el) meaning "& |May |God |Protect".

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some of the 'raw material' of "shared scriptures" from James:
Be but doers Intent and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.
Because if anyone hearing Intent is and not doing, they are like men looking at face the natural them in mirror,
detected for them and left and immediately forgot how t'was.
Who but examined into Law complete, the the released, and remaining, and not hearer negligence becoming, but work-doers---ones blessed in the work they are.
The birthday-'redemptorandum' sent to me by BVOV Ministries included the #KJV (I suppose) of James 1:22-25 ... which they summarize as "I am a HEARER & DOER of God's Word. THE WORD says I am healed, SO I AM.
Not to 'dissent against The Word of God,' but this does remind me how 'most of The Bible after-The-Gospels' (mostly 'the Epistles') seems to be more about The Promise & less about The Process.

Shepherd's Chapel's usual introduction calls The Bible "God's letter to you." (I've sometimes mistakenly remembered it 'God's love-letter to you'—maybe because of that whole 'God is Love'-doctrine.) So I guess I regard the Epistles as "whitewashed invitation brochures" (like they have for Universities & business-seminars ... telling you about all the good stuff that success might bring, but staying quiet about the hard work & worry & luck needed to overcome the repeated failure you go through).
