The End (of #ShelterinPlace) Begins when people Realize that the Immune System is actually a Smart #Sewage System @TheCrashCourse #Sewer #Sewers #SewageTreatmentPlant (#Dowisetrepla LoL)

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When people say "I'm immune to COVID-19 or -SARS or -Bird Flu or -Polio or -Spanish Flu -etc.," they're actually saying 'my immune-system is trained to recognize that virus and to incapacitate it and flush it out of my body before it does too much damage.'

Sort of like the chemicals they use at a sewage-treatment-plant (I imagine): the materials you don't want flowing around in your system are separated from those you do want; and the good things are allowed to stay, while the waste is rejected.

'Sewer (the base of the word "Sewage")' (below-hyperlinked to part of Hank Green's explanation of the immune-system's process) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word "Sewage" is built on ancient words that mean "(Waste)Water."

Hank Green describes lots of complex ways the immune-system works, but I like to simplify it to "your immune system (White Blood-Cells) grab the germs it finds in your body, and (I think it was comedian George Carlin who put it this way) 'into the Colon they go.'"

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
