Complaint that @hulu (the "Video-On-Demand" Service) doesn't care to Respond-to | #WhyDoTheyCallit #HULU anyway? @RetailMeNot @Groupon @CableTV @Wikipedia @CordCuttersNews

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The basic problem: I watch hulu just-fine ... at about 4 in the morning. I try it at about 2 in the afternoon or -at about 10 in the evening, and it frequently 'buffers' (pauses for inordinate lengths of time at random places in the broadcast)—I'm only patient enough to allow three-or-four of those (or one for 15 seconds) before I 'change the channel' and watch something on NETFLIX, Amazon Prime or Cable TV.

hulu's excuse (the 'maybe it's me')? I watch it on a weird setup. We (my housemate & I) receive our TV-information through one main connection in our living-room; our bedrooms' TVs get their signal information through 'some sort of "WI/FI" connection broadcast from the main receiver.

Then I have an Amazon Firestick, plugged into our living-room TV—sorta broadcasting to our bedrooms' TVs.


The name 'hulu' (below-hyperlinked to some great deals on the streaming-service) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Hulu” is built on the Mandarin (Chinese) húlú (葫芦/葫蘆) & hùlù (互录/互錄) that mean "|Calabash, Bottle |Gourd" & "Interactive Recording."

The company blog explains:
In Mandarin, Hulu has two interesting meanings, each highly relevant to our mission. The primary meaning interested us because it is used in an ancient Chinese proverb that describes the Hulu as the holder of precious things. It literally translates to "gourd," and in ancient times, the Hulu was hollowed out and used to hold precious things. The secondary meaning is "interactive recording". We saw both definitions as appropriate bookends and highly relevant to the mission of Hulu.[8]
... They're too fascinated-with-themselves to worry about telling me how I might fix their weak service ... or maybe I'm just too amazing for them to deal with ...

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
