#ModernReligion (@CopelandNetwork & Most other #ChristianMinistries) is #Duped into Slavery by Satan into Slavery @prayerDotOrg @WatchAlan

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Reading Kenneth Copeland Ministries' Believers' Voice of Victory Magazine, I occasionally catch a few sparks of light through the dark fog they spew ...

Dark clouds of lies ... the one that comes to mind right now is Heaven. Brother Kenneth sometimes hints at 'what Heaven actually is,' but he usually just goes along with the popular misconception that it's "a paradise where every believer's immortal spirit is teleported when they die."

... most of the time, there's nothing wrong with 'believing that lie,' except that it opens the door for further lies (like the idea that some people aren't let into Heaven—even if believers love the outcast, the believers will never see them again (except perhaps from far away)).

That lie is one of many stories Satan uses to dupe you into following him instead of Our Brother Lord Jesus Christ, who said:
‘Then if any one may say to you, Lo, here [is] the Christ! or here! ye may not believe; 24for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and they shall give great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, also the chosen. 
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to the Alan Horvath, giving us the main piece of information that Satan uses to steal glory & praise) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Dupe” is built on words that mean “|Deceived or |Led |Astray by |False Representation (like the |Hoopoe, an |Extravagantly |Crested & Reputedly |Stupid |Bird).”

Maybe I'm thinking about this 'a little too much,' because it seems to reveal that the main author of The Bible is Satan-himself.

(People might respond, "No way, man! GOD is the author!"

(... revealing that they did not watch the Alan Horvath video linked above, which explains that "God" is not the name of Our Almighty Father, but rather is the first-name of one of the angels he sent to Earth.)

"But if Satan's the author of The Bible," you might respond, "what makes you sure the Jesus-quote above isn't put there to trick us?"

'You're right,' I'd reply, 'I'm sort of "mixing metaphors" here---the "Satan" who wrote The Bible isn't "The Enemy plotting against Our Father" so much as it's "Our Adversarial Nature." Just as Jesus was "a beggar who rose by conflict-against-The-Establishment," we often "rise by conflict-against-The-Standard."'

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
