You're at the #FarmersMarket, and you find #INSTANT Coffee??! @SproutsFM #instantaneous #instantCoffee #instantly

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So I drink a lot of instant coffee. I've heard that it's "a sacrilege to the good name of 'coffee'"–people feel that there's something "purer" about coffee that's brewed with fresh grounds, and the brewing-process gives the coffee-shop an atmosphere that perks up your senses (i.e. like Rupert Giles said of published books' quality that makes them better than cyber-books, "it's the smell")–but I'm generally into coffee for 'the caffeine' (and other possible health-benefits).

I generally pick up instant coffee from Walmart; where they offer name-brands (like Folgers-etc.) but 'the store-brand' (Great Value) or 'the generic-brand' (Equate, if they offer it) works the same for a lower price!

But I was running low on instant coffee and had forgotten to buy some the last time I went to the store, so I asked my roommate to pick some up for me on their way home. I expected they'd stop by Walmart (or one of the other stores in the area ... BUY FOR LE$$, Homeland, Dollar General, Family Dollar); but they were buying some things from Sprouts (a Farmers Market), and found some instant coffee there.
(It was a little more expensive, but they thought the 'not having
 to drive to another place & hunt for the instant coffee' was worth
 the price.)

... now Wait a minute! Did you ever think 'a Farmers Market' would ever sell "instant" anything?

'That word' (below-hyperlinked to Amazon's Instant Coffee selection) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Instant” is built on words that mean “to stand-, make- or be Firm In” (Immediate, Done- or Occuring at Once; often abbreviated Inst. meaning "of the Current Month").

What IS Instant Coffee anyway? I mean, I know Coffee-Grounds are ground-up coffee-beans ... what are those again? Let's review ...

By Ton Rulkens00 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, coffee-plant is grown in southern Africa or tropical Asia. The two most-popular (of the 120-some species) are Coffea Arabica (a.k.a. Arabica—known for its sweet taste) & Coffea Canephora (a.k.a. Robusta—known for its high caffeine-content).

The plants produce edible fruits–epigynous berries or indehiscent drupes, sometimes erroneously called "cherries"–and the seeds of these berries are erroneously known as "beans."

Those 'beans' are ground into 'coffee grounds,' which are allowed to sit in hot water (brewed). If you don't drink that water, it can be freeze-dried (or whatever the drying-process) into instant coffee.

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
