You Might Call them "Topics," but I Like to Think of Them as '#Chapters of My Blog' | #Chapter #ChapterBook #ChapterAndVerse
I post about a wide variety of topics ... some I do often enough to start 'a whole `nother blog about them.' But they're all basically just "what I think about things that come up in the news, -in my life, -in religion, government, entertainment, nature-etc."
So–rather than 'start- & build up-a whole new blog every time a new topic comes to mind'–I'll just think of it as "part of a particular chapter of 'the book' of my blog!"
'That word' (below-hyperlinked to ... something, maybe—or not) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Chapter” is built on words that mean “Head” (in writing, "a Division, Paragraph"; in money, "the Principal Sum" ... sense of "Local Branch of a Society or Organization" is from Church-sense "body of the Canons of a Cathedral or Collegiate Church, Scripture that was Read Aloud when the Religious Order's Members Assembled).
The Chapters of this Blog:
- Advertising in the Alt-Papers: The best example of journalism today is preserved in 'the alt-weekly' (a newspaper you can usually find in business's entry-ways or sidewalk-kiosks, usually FREE).
John Oliver gives a very-convincing report on 'how they serve as The Backbone of most journalism today, and why it's important that they're FREE to most readers (or at-least very inexpensive).' But the journalists involved still need money (as much as any other human today), most-of-which they get from advertisers.
The advertising proves valuable to the advertisers (reminding them that their advertising- dollars are well-spent, encouraging them to advertise more) if the readers go out &-buy the advertised products or -participate in the advertised events!
For various reasons, I cannot participate in 'the buying & attending' as much as I'd like to. However, I can encourage my many-many readers to participate!
I try to list all the advertising businesses & events in this Facebook Group, but The Cannabis-Industry (one of the most-quickly-growing industries in Oklahoma) isn't quite 'approprate' (since I can talk about it as if it's legal-like-liquor, but a) it's only legal-by-prescription (at least in Oklahoma, at least for-now) and b) it's not even that legal in many States in America).
So I can't yet write about Cannabis-events & -businesses in that Facebook Group. But I'll spread the word-of-mouth here. - Religiousity: I was born-&-raised Roman Catholic (just as a lot of our favorite atheists today were 'raised deeply-religious'). I'm not an atheist, but I don't have the same 'picture of God' in my head that most believers' have in theirs—I don't actually know 'what picture of God they have in their heads,' but I know that I had a certain 'picture of God' prior to my "near-death."
Anyway ... I'm Roman Catholic Christian, but I find that atheists do a fuller exploration of human logic & -psychology. I'm also a "Partner" with Kenneth Copeland Ministries (yes, I was probably duped into sending a little money with the expection that I'd receive Heavenly dividends; and I kind-of do, but they don't necessarily come back as "money"). - Politics:
- Stories: that's mostly 'television & movies'
- Nutrition:
- Anatomy:
- Psychology: problems-I deal with, -others deal with, -that you might have to deal with at times ... we hope we can help ...
- ... and more as it occurs to me ...

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
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