"The Fall of Teal'c" @StargateCommand leads me to Understand the Strife between Atheists & 'Christians' (who are actually just another form of atheist) @getFANDOM @DesiringGod @shmoop #Tealc

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I'm 'bingeing' (well, "frequently watching episodes of the series"), I watch a 3-part episode that ... well, it might help us 'understand' why people reject God.

To catch you up a little, ...

... the goa'uld Apophis captured the jaffa Teal'c, killed him and–by reviving him in a sarcophagus–warped Teal'c's mind into worshipping him once again (as Teal'c had done before as Apophis's First Prime).

The SG-team captures Teal'c, holding him in restraints as the battle between 'Faith' (Serving a god) & 'Skepticism' (FREEDOM!!) rages, you see:

  • where Lucifer got his start on the way to become Satan—as an Archangel, Lucifer was Yahweh's 'First Prime.' (Heaven's time isn't like "Linear time"—it sees all pasts-&-presents-&-futures as one current occurence, with 'all possibilities' having equally occurred ... point being that the whole 'war between armies of angels' happened both before humanity even existed AND -in light of humanity being the most-beloved heirs of Yahweh.)

    As Yahweh's First Prime, Lucifer saw that Yahweh's choice to give his children Free Will had some not-so-righteous results and -things would've been much more efficient (for The Kingdom of God) if Yahweh had not given us Free Will ... reminds me of the words: "Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven" (Satan's comment in the John Milton poem).

    As 'Lucifer' ceased to be Archangel & became 'Satan,' Teal'c ceased to be First Prime Jaffa & became "Shol'va." But–for the brief period of time that he was back 'under Apophis's spell'–he called his former master-jaffa a 'shol'va' (as it was the master who originally instilled "skepticism" in Teal'c).
  • what atheists don't understand about Christians (as most Christians don't usually think-about)—The god whom the atheists complain-about (which The Bible says created the Earth & -gave the commandments and -speaks to prophets etc.) ISN'T THE BEING WHOM THE CHRISTIANS PRAY-TO!

    In an ancient writing (a prophecy which I don't know why The Church hasn't established it in The Canon yet) is the original writing of 'Lucifer's devolution from Archangel to Devil Satan.' There, he's described as "the third of five angels (called Watchers) who came to Earth"—and his name was "God" (short for "Gadre'el").

    You remember that 'the foreign cities that the Exodus-ing Israelites conquered' each had (at least one) "god."

    Christians don't explain 'what happened to those gods' (if "they never really existed," what proof is there (other than the "rain-dancing proof" of 'the Israelites' victory in battle') that "the Israelites' God existed"?)
In the STARGATE Universe (where Teal'c's father is killed by one 'god,' causing him to side with another 'god' in order to avenge his father against the previous 'god,' at whence he turns against the second 'god' to join SG-1 to destroy that- and many other-'gods') as in real life (where Christians deny the god who approved of slavery & pedicide), the True God is more 'a Spirit of Grace' and not-so-much "an omnipresent, omnipotent super-being."

'That word' (below-hyperlinked to an offer of Amazon Prime Video that'll let you watch STARGATE SG-1 and many other popular series & -movies FREE for 30 days) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The word “Teal'c” is built on words that mean “Strength” in the Goa'uld Language.

Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
 me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
