Can Bill #Weld save the @GOP from the Cancerous Infection currently Making It Do Stupid Things? @NYtimes @GovBillWeld #Welder #Welding

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I follow a lot of Resisters on Twitter, and they summarily accuse THE WHOLE REPUBLICAN PARTY of committing the atrocities that President Trump tells America to do (the children in cages, the greedy taxation, etc.)

Because Trump is such a Senile, Decrepit, Archaic, Outworn Cancer, the Resisters project those qualities onto the rest of the Republican Party ... the same way we today accuse all Nazi's of the same philosophies Adolf Hitler espoused.

But the Grand Old Party does not espouse the philosophies/policies of DumOld Drumpf! They only 'agree with him' the same way the ancient Hebrew slaves agreed to be ruled-over by the Egyptian Pharoah.

The Hebrews still needed someone from inside the Egyptian royalty, someone who had seen where the leaders were coming-from and -had seen why they were so wrong, who could put operations right.

That's why they had Moses (adopted by Egyptian royals who raised him, who turned to rescue Israel when he realized that the Hebrews were the root-source of his being). And that could be why America will have Bill Weld.

'That name' (below-hyperlinked to the New York Times story about the Republican candidate) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...

The name “Weld” is built on words that mean “Forest” or "Cleared Upland" (name for a Family that Lives in such an area). 
The word “Weld” is built on words that mean “to Boil, Rise” (the verb Well, past-tense Welled) or "a Joint formed by Welding" or "Forest (Wold)" (for the Plant producing the Yellow Dye).

Know anything else interesting about that? Comment!
