Christians Brains may seem #OutOfTune with Reality, but Maybe They're just #inTune with a HIGHER Reality! @CommanderKellie @MaryMorrissey #DreamBuilderProgram #Tune #Tuning #Tuned #BrainTuning
"The Kingdom of God" is 'the way things should be.' That's what they mean when people say 'The Kingdom of God'—not 'a country with a castle in a cloud,' not any separate place & time; they mean here & now!
'Antagonists' (they call themselves "atheists," but they're more like 'anti-theists') they think reality starts-and-ends in reality ... and they're sorta right (which is how Satan works—using partial truth to tear down the manifestations of The Kingdom of God). Because The Kingdom of God begins in the imagination, and 'God's Children' (or call them 'People of God,' because sometimes it's important that they're Adults) take the reality they see and bend to be in tune with their imaginations.

The Antagonists use a method-of-Satan and try to make Christians 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'—e.g. God commanded the ancient Israelites to do some "inhuman" things while they were 'a nation without a country' after their slavery in Egypt. Antagonists point at that as if it's 'part of God's plan for God's people today.'
But Christians know that–as babies (and maybe senior-citizens & the disabled) wear diapers while toddlers & children & adults can control their bowels without the diapers–humans have to take desparate measures until such time as their environs' conditions are made more-ideal.
For a second, let's-nevermind the 'God' stuff & focus on 'what we are trusted to achieve.' Abundance. And the first step in achieving Abundance is to tune your brain to it. Mary Morrissey can help you do that with the program hyperlinked to that word.
'That word' (below-hyperlinked) is built on an even-deeper source ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which our lexicon stands ...
The word “Tune” is built on words that mean “Tone” (State of Being in Proper Pitch, Well-Rounded Succession of Musical Notes).
I'd been planning to do this post ever since I first saw Mrs. Morrissey's DreamBuilder, but I was reminded when I read Commander Kellie's article in her family's ministry's magazine Believers' Voice of Victory.
The article–"The Family Business: Job Interview with a Superkid"–is built on a kernal of truth. So I feel like I need to read it; but I'm afraid that my 'adult' brain will dismiss it due to the 'crazy sounding' stories it uses to convey it.
If I had the recording-equipment I need, I could record it here ... but as it is, I'll type the article here & then focus on 'the kernal of truth':
'In The Kingdom of Heaven,' an employer's obviously not going to hire a kid to an executive position sight-unseen at the mere mention of the CEO's Son's name! (although it's well-known that executive's children often do get hired to high positions without as many qualifications as applicants from outside of the family!)
But–as Commander Kellie even straight-out-explains in the article–your 'employment tasks' don't require "that you've done them well before" so-much-as "that you are apt to learn to do them well soon in the future!"
The article–"The Family Business: Job Interview with a Superkid"–is built on a kernal of truth. So I feel like I need to read it; but I'm afraid that my 'adult' brain will dismiss it due to the 'crazy sounding' stories it uses to convey it.
If I had the recording-equipment I need, I could record it here ... but as it is, I'll type the article here & then focus on 'the kernal of truth':
Job Interview with a Superkid
Interviewer: “So, what experience do you have that quali es you for this job?”Superkid: “None.”I: “OK. What skills do you have?”S: “Hmmm, I’m not really sure yet.”I: “What is your current employment?”S: “I play, talk to my friends, have fun. The pay’s not that good, but I go to school and learn stuff.”I: “And how old are you?”S: “I’m 12 years old.”I: “Well, I don’t see much here to qualify you to work at Kingdom of God Adventures. Can anyone recommend you or give you a character reference? If not, I’ll have to look for someone else.”S: “Oh, yes! I belong to Jesus! I am called by His Name! In fact, He’s the One who asked me to come work here!”I: “Well! That’s all I need to know! You are fully quali ed and of cially HIRED!
Superkid, this is how I picture you being interviewed to work in the kingdom of God.I’m being funny, but seriously, knowing Jesus is the only quali cation you need to work the best job in the universe! Let me tell you about a boy who worked for His Dad.He was your age when He really began to take His job seriously.Many years ago, a young girl named Mary was visited by an angel of the Lord: “Do not yield to your fear, Mary, for the Lord has found delight in you and has chosen to surprise you with a wonderful gift. You will become pregnant with a baby boy, and you are to name him Jesus. He will be supreme and will be known as the Son of the Highest” (Luke 1:30-32, The Passion Translation).She was young and engaged to Joseph the carpenter. How could she become pregnant and how could He be the Son of God?Mary had many questions, but was willing to serve God in any way He asked. So she said, “Yes, Lord.”Fast forward. Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem, and all of heaven worshipped Him. Kings, shepherds and even animals bowed down before Him.
When Mary and Joseph took Jesus to be dedicated, lovers of God Simeon and Anna recognized Him as the Messiah they had been waiting for. They prophesied over Him, telling His parents all He would become and what He would do.Simeon said, “‘With my own eyes I have seen your Word, the Savior you sent into the world. He will be glory for your people Israel, and the Revelation Light for all people everywhere!’ Mary and Joseph stood there, awestruck over what was being said about their baby” (2:31-33).Simeon blessed Mary and Joseph and warned Mary of some dif cult things she would face as Jesus’ mother. Anna sang choruses of praise to God. She left the Temple that day and never stopped tellingpeople that their Savior had come.
Thanks to Simeon and Anna, Mary and Joseph truly realized Jesus was the Son of God. What was it like, raising God’s Son? What was their home like? What was life like for Jesus? Do you think Jesus was perfect? Did He like games and outdoor fun?Talk with your family and explore such questions. Go even deeper and ask Jesus some other things. Here’s one: Did Jesus automatically know everything? Let’s talk about that. Jesus was human AND the Son of God. He lived in the earth as a human man, but he started as a human baby. Verse 40 tells us, “The child grew more powerful in grace, for he was being fi lled with wisdom, and the favor of God was upon him.”If he GREW more in grace and He was BEING FILLED with wisdom then what does that mean? It means that Jesus wasn’t automatically everything He became. Jesus grew in these things, JUST LIKE YOU.We can see in His Word how Jesus grew up. We see a snapshot of one of His early adventures in verses 41-46: “Every year Jesus’ parents went to worship at Jerusalem during the Passover festival.
When Jesus turned twelve...” WAIT! 12? Jesus was 12? Of course, He was! I told you! Keep going.... “his parents took him to Jerusalem to observe the Passover, as was their custom. A full day after they began their journey home, Joseph and Mary realized that Jesus was missing. They had assumed he was somewhere in their entourage, but he was nowhere to be found. After a frantic search among relatives and friends, Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem to search for him. After being separated from him for three days, they fi nally found him in the temple, sitting among the Jewish teachers, listening to them and asking questions.”Look at that, Superkid! Jesus wasn’t always talking and preaching. When He was a boy, He was listening and asking questions! He was learning about the Father, the Scriptures and His own calling. He was nding out who He was in His Father’s house! “His parents were shocked to fi nd him there, and Mary scolded him, saying, ‘Son, your father and I have searched for you everywhere! We have been worried sick over not fi nding you. Why would you do this to us?’” (verse 48).Jesus knew who HE was and it gave Him direction, focus and con dence. Verse 49 in the New King James Version says, “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”His parents didn’t understand what He meant, but today we know Jesus came so His Father could have His lost children back. He depended on Jesus to save us, much as you and I do. Why? So we can hang out in the house of God, learn, ask questions, listen to our pastors, our teachers and parents like Jesus did. Most importantly, stay close to Jesus, ask HIM questions about His Word, about life.
This is what YOU are called to do! Verse 52 (TPT), “As Jesus grew, so did his wisdom and maturity. The favor of men increased upon his life, for he was loved greatly by God.” As you grow, your wisdom and maturity will increase, and YOU too can be about your Father’s business. He’s got an important job for YOU in the family business!
Pick up your Bible, Superkid. Everything you need to know is in this employee handbook, including your rst assignment....More on that later!®Commander Kellie Copeland is responsible for Covenant Partner Relations at Kenneth Copeland Ministries and is the developer of the Superkid Academy curriculum. Through her ministry and as “Commander Kellie,” she ful lls the mission of drawing people of all ages into a personal, growing and powerful relationship with Jesus Christ.
'In The Kingdom of Heaven,' an employer's obviously not going to hire a kid to an executive position sight-unseen at the mere mention of the CEO's Son's name! (although it's well-known that executive's children often do get hired to high positions without as many qualifications as applicants from outside of the family!)
But–as Commander Kellie even straight-out-explains in the article–your 'employment tasks' don't require "that you've done them well before" so-much-as "that you are apt to learn to do them well soon in the future!"
Or am I looking at that wrong (or 'wrongly' 🤓)? Tell
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
me how-wrong/right I am in the comments below 😁
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