#JeffGarlin ( #OurManInChicago) declares the #EvidenceOfGod | #Evident #Evidence #Evidently #Evidential #SelfEvident #MarkedAsEvidence #EvidenceOfaCrime

'That word' (below-hyperlinked to the comedy-special where Jeff Garlin presents his case) is built on ancient words that form the foundation of today's lexicon.

 The word "Evident" is built on words that mean " |Out, |Fully ( |Ex-) + to See."

He points to a couple pieces of evidence that prove God must exist. But the main one I remember is Ice Cream.

But 'the nerdy humanist' in me wonders, "Wasn't ice cream invented by humans?"... kind of. Ancient rulers (as far back as 4th-century BC) were said to 'have ice brought down from the mountains & mixed with fruit & drinks.'

Cream—the fat skimmed from milk before/during pasteurization–was proven a highly effective ice-snack.

So–like with many 'gifts of God'–God gave 'the parts of the gift' (the cold of the ice, the cows that make the milk that becomes the cream), but mankind had to 'find it & put it together!'
