@CopelandNetwork's #ActionsSpeakLouderThanWords showing #HowPrayerWorks (#LetUsReasonTogether & #Pray with #KCM #KennethCopelandMinistries) #Prayer #PrayToGod #ForgiveAsYouStandPraying #PrayForGod #PrayForPeace #PrayForThem #PrayForYourEnemies #PrayForYourFriends #PrayForYourFamily
Every year, I get the KCM Calendar. But I have to be reminded that–even though Kenneth Copeland Ministries' administrators 'love all of KCM's contributors'–we each have to ask for the calendars specifically.
I could go into 'the reasons why KCM needs us to ask specifically,' but first I see how they pattern-after God's need for us to 'pray to God' for the gifts God is giving us anyway—the same way we believe God has an infinite supply of wealth to give to us, we also believe KCM has an infinite supply of resources to use to publish & distribute media-products to all people everywhere!
But–whether they have such an abundance–not everybody wants their calendars or encyclicals/brochures or books or letters! They could send them all to every person on the planet, but most of them would be thrown away like "junk mail!"
That's more the way God works—maybe God does give us all the things we need–whether-or-not we ask for them–but we throw away God gifts if they're not the ones we "asked for!"
That's more the way God works—maybe God does give us all the things we need–whether-or-not we ask for them–but we throw away God gifts if they're not the ones we "asked for!"
The word "Pray" is built on the meaning "to Ask, Request, Entreat."
But I still get annoyed at people who tell all their friends 'they need you to pray for them' (and I'm probably sharing this in a comment on your post on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn etc.). I want to exclaim, "No! A prayer is 'a conversation between yourself & God! No one else! The only reason 'We' need to pray for You is 'if we're counting on you for something (in our lives) that you can't supply because of the problem you're going through!
(So, take Pam—a fellow brain-injury survivor who has surgery scheduled to get rid of some tumors that grew back. I hope everything goes well for her; but that's not my prayer. My prayer (the one only God knows, held in my heart) is ... who am I to say I know such a thing? and/or -to reveal the private conversation between God & myself?
"(I know that sounds narcissistic; but that's the case ...
if you're not 'a part of my little life,' my prayer for you
is just a bunch of noise!
"(And yes, that's true of anybody's prayer for you; unless
their words are followed by action ... Simon Peter prayed
for Jesus to walk out to the boat, but then walked on
the water to meet Him!"
I mean—I look at the note reminding me to reserve my calendar. Does the note ask me to reserve the calendar for anyone outside my own household, to help them get the calendar for them to use? Nope!
"But don't you have friends & family that go through troubles & need encouragement to get through their struggles?" Yes, but again 'my prayer is strictly between me & God.'
(So I only 'stand with her in her prayer (the unknown one in her heart) & my heart answers "Amen."')
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