#DotComedy (nerdy chuckle): @GQmagazine brings up Comedy in the #Digital Age

I see the GQ-article on "the New Class of Digitally Driven Joke-Makers," and ... the difference between them & 'traditional comedians' is the that between 'digital- & classic-musicians'—that difference being 'the tools available at the time.'

The main complaint they had is that–with 'the media available to EVERYBODY' (mostly Twitter, 'broadcasting/publishing' to every connected device)–there's a risk that comedians who share on Twitter can have their jokes 'stolen' and put into performances (possibly-lesser comedians', possibly the exact same comedians').

And they call this new media-age "Digital." That word (the 'built' one below)—there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the our lexicon stands ...

The word “Digital” is built on “Finger, Toe (as Numbers up to Ten were Counted on the Digits)” (as Computers' Programs are based on digital number-Systems, 'digital' has come to mean 'computer-Operated, as opposed to Analogue).
"Digit" is considered to be based on "to Show (Pronounce Solemnly)." 

Did comedians before 1990-something not have fingers? 

Yeah ... I'm sure they were clopping-up to the mic-stand & clamping the microphone between two hooves as they delivered their latest jokes ...

Anyway, GQ introduces us to 7 of these 'new comedians' (often called "alt-comedians," or maybe that's just the ones whose jokes are about 'alternate lifestyle' subjects (like homosexuality and the celebate lifestyle, and ... is there any comedy about the 'living off inheritance or -injury settlement, rather than wage-employment or investments?'))

You know something about that word-history that
 I don't mention (and that probably isn't mentioned
 below)? 'Fill us in on it'- or just tell me what you
 think (or ask me about something in this- or another-
word that confuses you) with a comment below,

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