How the #Tattoo Might Help You Recover from Sexual Assault @TurningPointRF @IBelieveHer1 @NWAWS @StatesboroRSAC
The word “Tattoo” carries the scent of the Polynesian word for “Puncture/Mark on |Skin.” The 'Military Call to |Quarters (for Lights-Out)'-meaning carries the scent of "|Faucet of a |Cask (|Tap) + |Shut, |To" (because |Police formerly visited |Taverns in the evening to shut off all the taps of casks).

I gather that the tattoo "reminds the victim that she is still alive even though she's been through some scarring stuff," but it doesn't 'glamorize' the terrible things that were done—allowing you to forget 'the terrible parts' (for which the violators have-been/are-being punished) while never forgetting the personal strength that carried you away from it and carries you higher-&-higher today!
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