Happy #GalentinesDay! (February 13) @ParksAndRecNBC #Gal #Valentine (Valentine's Day is still February 14)

"Galentine" is obviously a compound of the words "Gal" & "Valentine."
The word “Gal” is slang for “Girl (tho it's also related to 'G'hal (Girlfriend of a B'hoy) & Gell')"

The name "Valentine" (the priest who famously 'was martyred for marrying improper couples'-or-something to inspire the "holiday of notes between lovers") carries the scent of "Strong, Vigorous, Healthy" (the 'love note'-legend may only be "something they tell the kids," as 'the connection between the martyr & "love"' may actually just be due to the fact that his feast-day is the same day as Lupercalia (a Roman Fertility Festival)).


The roots of Valentine's Day are said to lay in the Roman festival of Lupercalia. Later it became a day to celebrate a martyr named Valentine (which martyr is up for debate). Then in 1382, Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the Parlement of Foules to honor the first anniversary of King Richard II's engagement to Anne of Bohemia. Chaucer wrote, 'For this was on St. Valentine's Day, when every bird cometh there to choose his mate.' The idea connecting Valentine's Day with romance took hold and from then on, the story goes, it became a day to celebrate love.
