#StudyAid for Anatomy of The #Brain (Receiver & Broadcaster of Thought) Principle 12 of #ThinkAndGrowRich - #PartsOfTheBrain #BrainHemispheres #Brains #BrainTrauma #AcquiredBrainInjury #TraumaticBrainInjury #BrainInjury #BrainTricks #StudyGuide
Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich starts to sound a little 'sci-fi' here (talking about how The Brain can pick up & make transmissions like a radio), but ... What is a radio but 'a collection of parts put together in such a way that the collection-of-parts can receive & send transmissions'?
But maybe some 'study' of those parts will show you what Hill's talking about (at least 'a listing' of those parts).
The word “Brain” is based on words that mean “|Front Part of the |Skull,” or maybe "something Broken."
You can see (unless it's not in the picture but I read about it somewhere else), the parts of the brain include:
- the Cingulate Sulcus
- the Corpus Callosum
- the Diencephalon
- the Anterior Commissure
- the Temporal Lobe
- the Midbrain
- the Pons
- the Medulla (Medulla Oblongata?)
- the Cerebellum - is that related to Antebellum? Parabellum? Post-Bellum?
- the Frontal Lobe (with the Prefrontal Cortex)
- the Amygdala–a tiny part you'd probably not see if you weren't looking for it
- the Hippocampus—a seahorse-shaped blob near the Medulla
- the Olfactory Bulb
- the Fornix
- the Dorsal Thalamus
- the Hypothalamus
- the Pituitary Gland
- the Cerebral Aqueduct
- Left Hemisphere
- Right Hemisphere
- Personality
- Creativity
- Intuition
- Music
- Art
- Spatial Abilities
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