#Jay #JayWalking #JayLeno #JayMohr #BlueJay #PopinJay #JayBird

The name "Jay" (if it's not just "an elongated form of the letter 'J'") is built on ancient words that mean "to Rejoice" or "a Bird in the |Crow |Family (famous for '|Tweeting the Good News (that Spring has |Returned)')."
The word was once an insult (like "Redneck" or "|Hick" or "|Fag") that automotive-advertisers used to turn 'walking in the street' into a crime. That 'Jay' carries the scent of "|Impertinent Chatterer, Loud, |Flashy |Dresser (like a |European Jay-bird or |Magpie)."
