@DiscoverTheBook @CopelandNetwork How Do You Know that YOU'RE not #Deceived? - #Deception

I think that's the question at the root of all my 'skepticism' (annoyance at people who 'ask friends to pray for them,' -at people who re-post 'memes that "Thank God" as if 1) "God" were the name of the Most High Creator & Sustainer of All Reality & 2) 'the glory we offer to God' could be anything more than "spare-parts clanging on the cement floor."')

I ask that at 'the main link' below, but I think it's important that you answer (and not just with one of the 'company line'-answers I'll mention below, but with personal reflection and examination—asking yourself some further questions).

For instance:  You might respond, "I know I'm not deceived because I have trust in God!" Oh really? How do you know that the 'God' you trust (worshiping him, yes; but more-importantly obeying his guiding directions) isn't just 'a fallen angel who follows most of the indicators you read about in Scripture?'

"Satan" (the most popular name for the fallen angel) is called 'the father of lies—the master deceiver"—what makes you think he hasn't fooled the vast majority of Yahweh's Children into thinking that he is Yahweh-himself? (a fellow haleius anthropon tells me that Satan's goal was never "to defeat Yahweh (and destroy him & kill him in a bloody battle of fire & tyranny etc.),"but "to imitate him & rule the Universe in his place as him")

Maybe the 'Satan' in The Bible is just a "red herring" the fallen angel uses to throw us off of his evil scent!

... Deception—I feel like there might be something more to that word ... something crucial that firms the foundation upon which the linked THING builds ...

The word “Deceive” is built on “to Take (|Grasp) Away from.”

You know something about that word-history that
 I don't mention (and that probably isn't mentioned
 below)? 'Fill us in on it'- or just tell me what you
 think (or ask me about something in this- or another-
word that confuses you) with a comment below,

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