@YourSundayMass reminds me How Satan #infiltrates - #OlfactoryAdaptation (or #OneMoreNightWithTheFrogs @ShermanAndrus @VOUSchurch)

Fr. Matthew Widder (at about 11:20 in the video linked through the bold text below ... Catholic Mass on the Sixth Sunday of Easter) gives a Gospel-Reading and a 'Homily' (Catholics' word for 'a Sermon given after the day's Scripture-Readings') that--though it may not be about The Devil's spirit coming in--did remind me of another sermon I'd heard earlier (which connected to the Sherman Andrus spiritual song).

The word “Infiltrates” (Penetrates Enemy Lines) is built of In- & #Filtrate, which is built on on ancient words that mean "to |Filter" (making 'the #InfiltrationalUnit' one that gets past whatever 'filters' you set up to block them).
just like #Infiltrate #Infiltrating #Infiltrated #Infiltration
#Filtration #Filtrate #Filtrates #Filtrated #Filtrating

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