The #RootCause (the inspiration) for My Bloggings | @CryptoTabNET

At the ballpark the other night, I described 'what I do here'---explaining it by describing 'what inspired it (at the #root).' I told them, "When I was young and looking at definitions in the dictionary, I would sometimes see 'the etymology' (historical #roots of the word) and see, 'Hey! Those are other words that're probably also in this dictionary!' And then I'd go to those words, see etymologies beneath those words, then go to those words and see ... and so-on.


"When Oklahoma 'got' The Internet, I was always interested in 'hyperlinking' words (I'm sure you know; when a word or picture is underlined or highlighted in a different color, and 'clicking' the modified place sends your browser to another site). I saw it as 'a shortcut (rather than having to turn to a page-number or looking-up the word),' and so that's what I do.

Sure, I don't exactly "get paid" for it. But I'm starting some attempts at 'prosperity through the cryptocurrency industry.' And you can help support my cryptocurrency efforts through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Root” is built on ancient words that mean "Branch" (same source as Wort & Radical) or ancient words that mean "to |Plow up, |Gnaw, Dig out."
#RootCellar #Rootless #Rooty #Rooted #Rooting #Uproot #Uproots #Uprooted #Uprooting #BeetRoot #BloodRoot #GrassRoots #TapRoot #RootRootRootForTheHomeTeam #RootHogOrDie #TakeRoot #RootBeer #RootDoctor #TheRootOfAllEvil
