I WANT to help my Niece in @GirlScouts, but her Sales-Page asks me to help "Sage" (and I'm trying to #Discern if she and "Katelyn" are the same person) | @Bing @Linkedin @RocketReachCo @SageUSAmerica
You can access 'the page my niece's forwarded-email sent me to' through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)
The word “Discern” is built on ancient words that mean "to Distinguish-, Separate-, Sift Off, -Away" (from ancient words that mean "to Sieve," applied to mean "Discriminate (in the sorting-sense, not the American racists' sense)" ... see also Dis-).
#Discernible #Discerning #Discernment #Discerned #Discerns
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when a jock calls a 'smart guy' a "girl," he can smart-aleck-ly reply, "Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker & Leader? Thank you!" 🤓 |
On 'the commercial-break' there (the page in between-this one & -the one 'the emboldened link' send syou to), you can see that even it is sorta mixed-up---with a title asking you to 'Help Sage,' but a description asking you to 'Help Katelyn.'
- I search to see if "Girl Scouts" says anything about "Sage," and I get a few possible answers---including:
- Our History (girlscouts-ssc.org - Girl Scouts of Silver Sage)
- SAGE Tuition Rewards (gswny.org)
- Girl Scouts of Silver Sage | GIRLSCOUTS-SSC
- (99+) Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council: Overview | LinkedIn - I'm seeing that Silver Sage is a place near Boise, Idaho
- SAGE Scholars (gsnypenn.org)
- Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council: Contact Details and Business Profile (rocketreach.co)
- Sage Mobile Payments | Sage US (service that the Girl Scouts are using to boost cookie- & magazine-sales)
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