@BillMaher Fails | @HiviSasa

His failure involve 'a guest bringing up a wealth #transfer' I'll talk about  in a paying forum you can join for free through 'the emboldened link(s)' below; but first I want to teach you about those words. And I find you understand words better if you see 'the words at their base' (then going on to look at the words at those words' bases, then the words at those words' bases, etc.-etc. ad infinitum into their Foundation)

The word “Transfer” is built on ancient words that mean "to Carry Across or -Beyond (see Trans-)."
#Transfers #Transferable #Transferee #Transferor #Transference #Transferred #Transferring


Hmmm ... I was gonna go to the forum to ask "What about Generation X?" (as a guest on REAL TIME with Bill Maher claimed that there's 'a big wealth-transfer happening from Boomers to Millennials (a.k.a. Gen "Y"), but this image shows that we Millennials were "raised by Boomers"---shifting the definition of "generations" for me, who thought it was 'the previous- or preceding-level of parentage' rather than 'the peer-group born within a set of years.'

But he DID have another fail---in his show's treatment of a recent #Hijab-controversy, which I'll discuss below the emboldened 'grain of sand' (that's also linked to a discussion on the paying forum you can join for free).

The word “Hijab” (popularly, the Headscarf for Muslim Women; the word is also a term for 'the Wardrobe of Muslim Women when in Public') is built on ancient words that mean "|Partition, |Screen, Curtain (|Modesty, Shame, Cover, Hide, Conceal)."

At the bold link just above, I discuss the recent "alleged"-murder of Mahsa Amini over her "improper way of wearing her hijab" & -the women's protests (head-shaving, hijab-burning) that the incident inspired.

Well, Maher brought it up & discussed it with that night's guests---who were BOTH ALSO MEN! (I understand that those guests were probably planned for WEEKS beforehand & -that the Mahsa Amini protests were just a few days before; but you're not WAYNE'S WORLD (a show on public-access cable), you're Bill Maher on HBO! I'm sure those writers have enough 'respect for women' to hold off another week or two!)
