Tom Hiddleston says we'll learn Why @LOKIofficial wears #Horns, but Your Guess is Fun Too!

Some speculations or guesses are linked through 'the main word' below; but first I want to understand that word better. And I find that you understand words better when you look at the other words at the bases of the words you're thinking-of ...

The word “Horns” is built on ancient words that also mean Head (the Musical-Instrument #Horn was originally a Hunting-Horn made from the Animal's Horn; the rabbit-ears (you make by 'making the peace-sign' behind someone's head in a picture) is actually 'placing horns on them' like a Cuckold was said to have (as a domineering wife's "beast of burden")). 
#Horned #Horning #HornInOn #Alpenhorn #Bighorn #Buckhorn #Tinhorn #HornOfPlenty #Dehorn #FogHorn #Greenhorn #Hartshorn #Hornbeam #Hornbill #Hornblende #HornBook #Horner #Hornless #Hornpipe #Horny #Inkhorn #Krummhorn #Longhorn #Matterhorn #PowderHorn #Shoehorn #Stinkhorn

